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What Can You Do to Help Community Cats?

What Can You Do To Help Community Cats?

Community cats are our responsibility. They are a part of our ecosystem and have been around us for more than 10000 years now. This beautiful, mutually beneficial companionship needs your help. When you see a community cat, all you might think is to give them food and maybe keep them as pets. Well, that’s not enough and you can’t always …

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How to Keep Outdoor Cats Warm in Winter

How to Keep Outdoor Cats Warm in Winter

The heat of summer is almost over and it’s starting to cool down now. It’s time to start thinking about how to keep outdoor cats warm in winter. Whether it’s barn cats, a feral cat colony, neighborhood community cats, or the stray cat you’ve found, you may want to consider helping our outdoor felines stay warm in winter. Depending upon …

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What's a Feral Cat?

What’s a Feral Cat? [Facts and Misconceptions]

What’s a feral cat? Is it an outdoor cat? What does feral mean? What exactly IS a feral cat? Let’s get basic with feral cat facts and misconceptions. PS: If you don’t want to read the whole article and just want quick answers, skip to the bottom of the page for a quick summary list and FAQ section! The Definition …

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How to Save a Cat (& His Friends)

How to Save a Cat (& His Friends!) in 2020

You want to know how to save a cat, right? Hopefully, you want to save all of his friends too! You found yourself in a situation that is becoming all-too-common these days.  Perhaps it was something like this… You’re taking out the trash one evening and hear a sound from beside you. Peeking under the shrubs lining your drive, you …

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