Why is spay and neuter important? For the average pet owner or feral cat feeder, they may not realize just how absolutely vital spay and neuter is for their pets and our communities.
If you’re a pet owner or a person who found a colony of hungry feral cats, or a person who is looking to adopt a barn cat or three, then this is for you. This post is to educate the billions of people in the United States (or elsewhere) that may not realize why spaying and neutering cats is so important.
Do you remember the Price is Right with Bob Barker? At some point during the show, usually the end, he would always give a shout out to remind people to spay and neuter their pets. For decades, that was his thing. It’s an important message. A message that even now so many people ignore.
Still, there are many people, maybe yourself, who don’t understand why it’s such a big deal. They either put it off because of financial reasons, because they want just one litter out of their pet, or because they love kittens or puppies, or because they feel the animal might miss their reproductive capabilities. Or perhaps they’re planning on “getting around to it” and just haven’t found the time yet.
Maybe they feel the message spread by spay and neuter advocates is exaggerated or misleading.
I can tell you absolutely that they are not exaggerated OR misleading. I will even offer my own personal experience with these things that conclusively proves the veterinarians, animal welfare groups, rescues, and cat experts are absolutely right.
Spay and neuter is the MOST important way you can care for your furry family members. If you love them, then spaying and neutering isn’t an option. It’s mandatory.
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The National Companion Animal Overpopulation Crisis
There are no firm statistics on the number of animals entering shelters in the United States or how many Americans own pets. There are estimates based upon surveys and the shelters that happen to keep records of intakes, adoptions, return-to-owner, and euthanasia statistics. Keep in mind, not all shelters keep track or report their numbers. It’s not mandatory.
The fuzziness of the animal population statistics can be explained, but I’ll just list general statistic estimates. These numbers differ depending upon who conducted the surveys.
- 67% of Americans have pets, according to the 2019-2020 APPA National Pet Owners Survey.
- An estimated 6.5 million pets enter US shelters each year, according to the ASPCA. (3.3 million dogs and 3.2 million cats)
- 733,000 animals were euthanized in shelters in 2019, according to the Best Friends Animal Society. That’s down from 17 million in 1984!
- Around 3.2 million animals are adopted from US shelters each year, according to the ASPCA.
- About 710,000 animals are reunited with their owners each year, according to the ASPCA. (Around 90,000 cats and 620,000 dogs)
- There are around 76 million dogs in homes across the US and 58 million pet cats, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.
- The number of community (or unowned) cats in the US is estimated to be anywhere from 50 to 70 million.
- The reason there are 733,000 pets being euthanized in 2019 versus 17 million killed in 1984 is the implementation of spay and neuter resources and education, Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs, pet transportation to other less crowded shelters, and working cat programs.
- According to Tiny but Mighty by Hannah Shaw, the “Kitten Lady”, a huge number of those cats being euthanized in shelters every year are kittens, especially kittens under adoptable age.
- Only 5 states account for 50% of the shelter euthanasia rates, according to the Best Friends Animal Society. These five states are California, Texas, North Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana.
Great work has gone into reducing puppy mills, enforcing laws to require pet shops to ‘sell’ shelter pets and not puppies produced from horrible places that breed animals for profit. The publicity of shelters in the news and social media has helped tremendously, too.
That does not mean that we’ve met our goals, however. Just ONE animal euthanized simply because of a lack of a home is one too many.
Just to make this clear, I don’t have problems with ‘reputable’ breeders. I don’t believe we should be creating designer dogs and cats, especially as some of them come with serious health risks just to achieve a certain look, like munchkin cats. That isn’t okay. I also think spending thousands on a specific breed is outrageous when there are so many dying unwanted in the shelters each year.
However, reputable breeders are a very small part of the overall pet overpopulation problem and they serve a purpose to society. As long as these breeders try to ensure good homes, neuter the puppies and kittens, then I leave well enough alone. Reputable breeders also are always willing to take back any animal that becomes unwanted and proceeds to rehome them.
I am not on a crusade against legitimate, reputable breeders. They are a very small part of the problem. Irresponsible pet ownership and lack of access to affordable spay and neuter services IS the problem.
Pet overpopulation is the #1 reason to spay and neuter your pets and community cats!

Spay and Neuter for Their Health!
Most people realize that spaying and neutering pets prevent unwanted litters. But did you know that spay and neuter also eliminates many causes of premature death in pets?
If you spay your pet, they cannot get infections of the uterus (pyometra) or cancers which kill around 50% of the dogs and 90% of cats diagnosed. The risk of breast tumors is greatly reduced as well.
When I was young and stupid (20 years ago), my cat got pregnant. She gave birth to a dead kitten that got stuck in the birth canal. I rushed her to the vet. In turn, she had a uterine infection so bad they had to do an emergency and seriously risky spay operation that I’m lucky she survived. You think it won’t happen to you, but it most definitely can.
If you care for community cats or barn cats, you will doubtless want to ensure this doesn’t happen. Cats are notoriously difficult to tell if they aren’t feeling well and you will likely not realize something is wrong until it’s too late!
If you neuter your pet, he cannot get testicular cancer or most prostate issues!
Without testicles, they cannot get testicular cancer.
Unaltered cats engage in fighting and mating behavior, which increases the risk of contracting Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV).
When tested in community cat populations, the rate of these illnesses is about 2-5% according to the American Association of Veterinary Medicine during one of their studies, which is the same as in owned cats in the US. But in MOST cases, it is unaltered tomcats who carry these two diseases, especially FIV. They spread it to unaltered females during mating. They spread it to other unaltered males during fighting over mates. Reduce the risk in your colony by spaying and neutering.
To be clear, I do NOT test my colony for FeLV or FIV unless there is a valid reason for it, such as an illness that isn’t responding to treatment. This is in line with Alley Cat Allies’ recommendations on FeLV/FIV testing.
The only cats that have ever tested positive from my colony or my TNR projects were unneutered tomcats. These are the ones that are often sickly as well, in my observations, even if I’m unable to trap them or test them before they disappear.

Giving birth is dangerous.
Just like in humans, there is a risk of giving birth to kittens and puppies for animals. Risks to both the mama and the babies. The mother could die. The babies could die and force the mother into heat again and a second pregnancy before she has recovered from the first increases her risk of death!
Cat sex is painful!
Male cats have barbed penises. Female cats do NOT enjoy sex. It hurts. The amount of pain is debated, but it still hurts. Those barbs are to encourage the female cat to ovulate and they can’t get pregnant without them. Still, not a fun experience for your beloved girl.
As a side note, the barbs disappear in neutered male cats.

The Importance of Spay and Neuter for Behavioral Issues
I cannot even tell you how many people rehome unaltered cats and dogs for behavior problems. One simple surgery will likely fix or prevent most behavior issues that cause pet owners to rehome their pets.
Disclosure: Spaying and neutering your pets doesn’t always cure every behavioral problem they have. But it does cure or reduce unwanted behaviors most of the time.
I have personally witnessed all of these behaviors being reduced or eliminated in only a few weeks after surgery.
- Reduce or eliminate the territorial spraying of urine. No more stinky unfixed tom cat pee on your door or walls.
- No more roaming around for miles, looking for mates. Your cat will want to stay home more.
- Aggressive fighting and territorial attacks will be greatly reduced or completely eliminated. Without testosterone, the males settle down a lot and are not as interested in seeking out fights or getting as territorial with other animals.
- No more mating stress. Females AND males will start to relax and play and sleep more without those hormones raging around in their bodies demanding they mate, mate, mate!
- Dominating behavior between males will be eliminated or greatly reduced. This behavior is observed when a male mounts another male and pins him down. It happens in both cats and dogs. It is more about displaying dominance than mating. Some neutered cats will do this, but it usually stops after surgery.
- No more female cats in heat! Female cats will go into heat over and over and over again until they get pregnant. For months, sometimes. Cats in heat are quite possibly the most annoying animal ever.

Fun (and Scary) Cat Reproduction Facts
The domestic cat breeds rapidly and often, especially in warmer climates. Here are some fascinating and scary cat reproduction facts.
- A female cat can have 3 litters in one year (although the average is 1.4 litters per year).
- The average litter has 4 kittens (but can range from 1 to 9 kittens).
- If a cat lives to be 15 years old, that could theoretically be 180 kittens born from one cat! (Not counting the generations of kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids!)
- In 7 years, one female cat and her offspring could theoretically produce 420,000 cats! Check out my Kitten Calculator to find out how many cats one unaltered pair of kitties can produce.
- Cat sex hurts. The male cats (called toms) have barbed penises. These barbs are necessary to stimulate the female cats (called queens) to ovulate. So all that screaming you hear your barn cats do when one of them is in heat? It’s not just fighting and no, the females are not enjoying themselves.
- One litter of kittens can have multiple fathers. This is called superfecundation and is not unique to cats or dogs, but can happen with human twins too! This is when multiple eggs are released and then fertilized during two (or more) separate intercourse acts. Theoretically, it is possible that an entire litter of kittens can all have different fathers.
- A female cat can go into heat as early as 4 months old.
- The gestation period of the domestic feline is approximately 63 days.
- Female cats go into heat, like dogs, and NOT like humans.
- Cats can go into heat while still nursing their previous litter.
- Cats are induced ovulators. They do not release eggs until after the first mating.
- If a litter of kittens dies or is somehow lost (because a human takes them, for example), this will cause a female cat to go into heat prematurely. This second pregnancy is riskier for the female cat as she has not fully recovered from the previous one.
- Female cats will continue to go into heat until pregnant or until the breeding season ends (if outside). That means an inside cat kept away from toms to prevent pregnancy will likely continue to go into heat over and over and over again, with little breaks in between. (I have witnessed this while waiting for a spay appointment for a female cat I had dumped on me).
- Breeding season in cats, depending on location, is from around January/February until August(ish). This means that ‘kitten season’ cat rescuers dread usually runs from March(ish) until November(ish). If you live in the southern United States, kitten season can be year-round!
- Cats don’t have ‘periods. (Nor do dogs.) Only a few animals menstruate, which include humans and some close primate relatives, the elephant shrew, certain bats, and the spiny mouse. Some animals such as dogs may have a bit of bleeding right before they go into heat, but that is not a period.

Neutering Myths Debunked!
But neutering my cat will make him gain weight.
Spaying or neutering a cat will not make them fat.
Unaltered cats do tend to be very lean and fit because they are often roaming around searching for mates, especially the males who travel for miles each night. They may be skipping meals when in heat or searching for a nice stud to father a litter of kittens. So yes, they tend to be lean to the point they may look unhealthy and skinny.
By fixing these cats, they will put on healthy weight because they won’t be thinking with their hormones and instead will be relaxing and eating normally. I have personally witnessed over a dozen cats relax, lying about in the grass in the sun, after a fair number were trapped and neutered. These cats would show up to each meal, when before the unneutered toms would often skip meals.
Because they aren’t roaming around searching for a booty call, and eating better, they will put on healthy weight. If your cat is indoors, though, you will need to ensure he gets proper exercise and stimulation to prevent excessive weight gain. It isn’t neutering that does it though. Without proper exercise, any cat will get fat.

Getting my cat fixed is just too expensive.
This is untrue. If you cannot afford to take your pet to the vet for this necessary surgery, there are other options. There are low-cost spay and neuter clinics opening up everywhere across the US and abroad. Various animal shelters and animal control agencies offer low cost or free spay and neuter surgeries during certain times of the year. There are often places that low-income people can apply for help to get their cat fixed.
Especially as it is actually MORE expensive to allow a cat to have kittens than it is to get her spayed. Pregnant cats eat a lot more. After weaning, kittens eat a lot of food until they’re old enough to be adopted. The time involved in finding homes for 4-6 kittens, also increases the time and money invested.

But he will miss his testicles or she will mourn not having kittens.
This is untrue.
Cats do not think of the future or past as you or I would. They don’t know they are missing anything. Cats and other animals are more focused on the now instead of the past or future. They are concerned with their comforts, their stomachs, their safety, and whatever random instinct is triggered at that moment.
They live in the moment. They don’t mourn the past. They don’t plan for the future. They live and worry about present day. This is why cats with only three legs adapt so well to running and jumping when humans struggle with things like phantom pain and depression. Cats don’t miss their reproduction just as they don’t miss that leg.
I have never seen a cat miss not getting pregnant. I have never seen a male cat feel ‘less’ because of the lack of testicles. In fact, I find their confidence grows exponentially now that those pesky hormones are gone! I have personally witnessed two very skittish male cats overcome their shyness and accept pets for the first time from strangers after being fixed. Before being fixed, they were scared of their own shadows.
Cats can tell when a male cat is ‘fertile’. They can smell it. Most cats, who are not in heat, really, really dislike unaltered toms. Tomcats are not part of a colony of cats outdoors. They’re the loners, roaming between colonies. This is because they are chased away by the females (and neutered males) in the colony once they are older.
Fixing them makes them happier and more confident, which doesn’t sound like a cat who is missing anything.
My kids should get to watch my cat have one litter to understand the circle of life.
If you wish your kids to see a pregnant and nursing cat with kittens, you can foster kittens and pregnant cats from your local animal shelter. Or watch a YouTube Video.
But don’t bring up to 9 new lives in this world that might not have good homes when millions are dying in shelters.
Maybe twenty years ago, this was acceptable. But do you see where that got us now? Millions upon millions of companion animals being born every year and not enough homes for them all.
Love Them? Fix Them!
It’s just that simple. If you love your pets, you should be fixing them. I listed dozens of reasons in this article for fixing your cats and other pets. A few of the highlights:
- Cat and dog overpopulation
- Euthanasia rates in shelters are still sky high!
- Health risks are eliminated pr greatly reduced by preventing cancer and infections
- Many behavior problems are greatly reduced or eliminated.
- Reduction or elimination of peeing/spraying/marking their territories.
- Yowling, fighting, and screaming gone or reduced.
- Aggressive behavior reduced, especially on the males’ part.
- It is cheaper to fix an animal than raise a litter until they’re adopted.
- Cat sex hurts.
Do you have a story to share about the first time you witnessed the miracle that happened after you fixed an adult cat? Or a dog? Tell me below!
I believe that I am going to get a miracle because I am going to save a cat very soon. Okay not just me but me and my sister but the good thing here is the saving. She brought the idea because she likes cats. So we don’t know anything about animals and I think your post is really helpful here because I didn’t know the importance of spaying and neutering. This is good as we’ll be able to reduce many risks for our lucky fur baby. Thank you for an educative post here.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
I have never watched the price is right, it is hilarious that the guy shouts spay and neuter your pets lol. Oh boy, I am learning something every day. I know that the ASPCA will take care of controlling the feral cat population if you see a litter, just give them a call. I used to be a dog and a cat owner, so I am well aware that it is vital to get them to take care of as soon as they are at their age. My girlfriend just adopted a small chihuahua from her neighbor and still trying to figure out if her Bambi is spayed yet. The vets couldn’t tell because she is so small and has no record. The just have yo wait when Bambi has her period.
Thanks for sharing such an informative post, I will share it with my friends.
Thanks for stopping by! Lots of shelters will help fix feral cats, including the ASPCA, but you can’t just call them when you see a litter. You’re usually required to trap and bring them into them, or other low-cost spay and neuter clinics. Now if you see 40 cats and kittens, you’ll get help controlling that by them coming to help trap. But the organizations like that don’t have enough resources or manpower to go out and respond to calls about kittens being born all over. It also depends on the area and how much of a problem feral kitties are in that area.
By the way, dogs don’t get periods. Only certain primates, humans, and weirdly, the elephant shrew have periods. Dogs bleed during their heat cycle, but it is not a period.
Hopefully, the new chihuahua is already spayed!
Hi Rochelle.
That is a lot of reasons why you should have your cat neutered and all of them are very convincing. To most people cats and dogs become members of the family, which is other countries they are working animals. Dogs used as guard and for hunting, cats for mousing. To these the animal may not be important. I know from personal experience how better behaved are neutered cats, compared to ones who have not. You can be scared to enter their territory.
The only problem is that not everybody would agree with neutering, as this is interfering in God’s work. They would say if it is God’s will for the cat to have many kittens and the die young, so be it. What is your opinion on this?
Hi, Antonio!
Personally, I believe God created the Earth and all its creatures, definitely. But I also believe we have free will to mess it up or save it.
People have created over 200 (if not more) dog breeds. People have specifically bread over 60 cat breeds. Some of them are exploiting a genetic anomaly that might ordinarily not be a big deal, if left to nature, but because of selective breeding by humans, it can cause death in 25% of the kittens.
Cats on their own moved in with humans and lived along side us for thousands of years. But humans took cats away from their natural environment and then transported them to places that have no defense against feral cats, like Australia. Here in the US they aren’t as destructive to nature (according to me and other feral cat people), but because of people not getting them fixed, there are millions of animals dying in shelters.
It’s not God’s work that animals are being killed in shelters simply because no one wants them. It’s not God’s work that dogs were bred to hunt, fight, or bred so much they suffered greatly pushing out puppies for pet shops before that was banned. It’s not God’s work that people created dog breeds so small they don’t breath right when excited.
If God was against spay and neuter, it would not improve the lives of animals the way it does. You only have to see it once in action by getting adult cats fixed and watch them relax, start to play, put on healthy weight, and not get diseased or in fights or die as much. If God didn’t want us to use our knowledge for GOOD, we wouldn’t be as smart as we are to figure out taking out reproductive hormones will stop fighting, smelly urine spraying, and help stop the spread of some cat diseases.
I believe people, especially in the US, who say this are justifying being selfish because they want kittens or puppies being born at their farm or home. Or through ignorance. No offense to you, if you believe this.
I think God dislikes euthanizing healthy, adoptable animals more than he dislikes fixing them to save them AND the rest of God’s creatures.
You mentioned uterine infections in cats who are not spayed. My dog had a uterine infection that nearly killed her. She had to have an emergency spay. She was so sick her fur fell out and she ended up needing thyroid medication for the rest of her life. Intact female dogs often end up with cancer as well.
All my cats are rescues so all of them were already spayed or neutered when we got them. I totally agree with everything you listed here. It is irresponsible and largely due to lack of education that people don’t spay and neuter their pets.
When millions are dumped in shelters every year, obviously we don’t need extra cats and dogs. I hate it when people obsess over wanting a purebred or designer pet! It is so common. The sad thing is that most of these people seem to want a designer pet because it is a status symbol. They want a pet that is expensive, rare, luxurious and something they can brag about. They can’t afford a fancy car so they go out and get a fancy pet instead!
I just told friends and family recently that they really needed to check out rescue dogs when they were talking about getting a designer dog.
There are often gorgeous, “rare” breed dogs and cats in shelters anyway. We have a Norwegian Forest Cat and a French Chartreux that were both rescues. The Norwegian was skittish and peed on things. He was probably a purebred but due to mistreatment he had behavior problems and was dumped. With anti-anxiety drops on his fur and a pheromone collar he is now a perfect gentleman. He is affectionate, follows me around quietly and is the most loyal pet you can imagine. He is a perfect cat now. He is a great example of a rare breed (in the U.S) that you can get at a shelter.
My French Chartreux has gorgeous green eyes. This is considered a “fault” by breeders…therefore she was probably sold off cheap and ended up in a home that could not keep her. I got her from the pound, a kill shelter here. She is another example of a “rare” breed in a shelter. I did not get them because of their breed. In fact when I adopted each of them I did not know what they were and still don’t know 100%. My other two cats are an orange tabby (sweetest cats ever!) and a lovely calico whom we adopted at 14 years old. She is now 15 and just as spunky, strong, sweet and curious as ever. Just like kittens, older cats are often euthanized and not adopted from shelters. I wish more people understood how AMAZING these rescue cats and dogs can be!
One of my dogs was a gorgeous Siberian Husky. She was likely a purebred as well but was abandoned. Another example of a breed you can get without a breeder.
Thanks for this extensive explanation of the need for spaying and neutering! I hope people pay attention.
Hi, Jessica!!
You’re right about the uterine infections. When I was really young, I had a cat who had one, AND had gotten pregnant. It was not pretty. Emergency vet and emergency spay later. I did say tumors, but I should be more specific about ovarian cancer and the like. They even have less risk of breast cancer!
You’re absolutely right about being able to get a ‘designer’ breed at shelters! Huskies, the American Pit Bull Terrier, black labradors, even chihuahuas, and Siamese cats are available at shelters! Lots of different types are. If you want a specific breed, all you have to do is put your request in, and wait. Check it out. I want a Savannah cat myself, but I will only adopt, not buy one. They are a little iffy on the whole should we do that breed or not, but they’re so nifty and larger than a normal cat, that I just can’t help but want one!
That said, I simply am waiting for one near me that is looking to be rehomed or looking in shelters. Not that I need a new cat.
I do think lack of education is one reason people don’t get their animals fixed as well as finances. But I learned through working with cats and getting them fixed and working with a cat nonprofit that people are 10x more likely to spend money on their dog than their cat here. It’s just sad.
I always wanted a Savannah cat too! There are a ton of different cats (and dogs) I would love to have though and basically I will never buy a pet when I can get one at a shelter. I love that you have made that choice as well! I hope you find a rescue Savannah.
I agree about people and dogs vs. cats. Unfortunately, there are so many myths around cats that people just think they should be left alone whereas they view dogs as babies that need to be taken care of. Cats are living in our world so we need to take care of them! If you take on a pet you are responsible for it. Period. These same people would not likely look at their kids and feel that only some should have medical care or good quality food…so why do they look at dogs and cats differently? That gets into old religious persecution of cats basically. They were believed to be evil and associated with witches and magic in the Dark Ages so it became acceptable to kill cats. What actually happened was they killed so many cats, the rodent population boomed and the plagues got started! It has now been shown that the great plagues in Europe would not have happened if they had not been killing off cats due to superstition! So they killed off cats and ended up killing themselves!
It is heartbreaking that those stereotypes still exist today and so many cats are suffering for the ignorance of people. I am so glad people like you are working to right these wrongs and give cats a better life!
Hi, Jessica!
Adopting versus shopping around for a breeder is definitely the way to go! Glad we agree on that!
There is the old persecution of cats, of course. I wholeheartedly agree it is still taking time to get cats accepted as much. There’s also the ‘crazy cat lady’ stigma as well, that only women should really like cats. There are men who do, definitely, such as Jackson Galaxy of course, but over 80% of my audience is female. In the Tiny but Mighty book by Hannah Shaw (the Kitten Lady), she talks a little about this and why we should try to steer people away from using the crazy cat lady terms. This weird gender-bias for cats might have originated back in the days when cats were ‘witches’ familiars,’ and then progressed from that to only crazy women have a lot of cats, then only women have cats. Sigh. But still, if someone has 4 cats, they’re called crazy cat ladies. Some people mean it humorously and I don’t take offense, but even subconsciously, I think the Kitten Lady is right, it probably does influence how cats are seen and how cat people are seen. Hard to change a stereotype quickly.
Plus, cats have been living outdoors most of their history with humans as well too! They only started becoming indoor pets in the last 50 years or so, so they are very close to their ‘wild instincts’ and people still see them as not needing as much care because of that. Cats are good at hiding illness, so that might be part of it too. But I think it’s slowly changing. Just too dang slowly!
What’s interesting, is that there is this whole anti-cat movement because they’re destroying wildlife, right? (I agree places like Australia and New Zealand are in danger because most of their rodent and small mammal populations have had NO predators for eons, and now they do, they have what is called “prey naivete” which means they never developed a sense of danger since they weren’t prey before. But I digress). So some studies have been done with Trap-Neuter-Return vs. Culling (which is killing them off). On one island where an endangered bird nested and was in danger, they decided to kill off the feral cats. The rat population exploded, and the RATS killed off the entire population of birds. (Eating their eggs, I imagine).
There was another one where once the cats were destroyed, the rabbits went out of control and then they started over foraging on plants which caused a lot of problems. Apparently, previously, they tried to remove the rabbits, but then the cats started eating the birds. So they decided to remove the cats instead, and boom!
The ‘witch hunt’ for cats is STILL going on. Just for different reasons!
I don’t find spaying and neutering morally right and good for pets, both cats and dogs under normal circumstances. Nature is created that way for them because that is how it is. We, humans, are just selfish not to care and give space to other creatures in this world. Many countries have no facilities for animal welfare, their human population can’t be given welfare services much more for these beautiful pets. They should have protection from human ruthlessness. Yes, there are valid reasons to have pets get paying or neutering. Instead, they do this to destroy the population of both animals. Obviously I come from a family who loves pets of many kinds especially cats and dogs. This is my opinion, my take. I agree it is important if it is founded to protect and cure some problematic issues of these pets.
If there weren’t millions and millions (some estimates of over 70 million UNOWNED) cats in the US alone, and this doesn’t include the massive amounts in Australia destroying and making native rodents extinct, or that people claim over 65 bird species have gone extinct because of feral cats that just keep breeding and breeding and breeding.
Plus humans ‘create’ designer dogs and cats and horses all the time, creating teacup dogs so small they have health issues or created the Manx cat by exploiting a genetic deformity that is fatal in 25% of kittens. Humans also were forced breeding dogs to sell them in pet stores.
Having witnessed what one pregnant, unaltered cat did in one year and how much those animal’s health improved after I got all of them fixed?
It’s absolutely the right thing to do for them.
Plus over 1.5 million animals are euthanized in shelters in the US alone because they don’t have enough homes? It’s cruel and irresponsible to bring more into the world. I’m uncertain about other countries, of course.
But here in the US, after extensive studies, spay and neuter is not optional anymore, if you love your pets. It’s been proven to help their health and happiness, plus it saves the lives of pets currently alive and future generations.
Read the section about overpopulation and how many die in shelters?
Or come on a trip with me to see an unfixed colony of outdoor cats versus a fixed colony of outdoor cats. You’d see the evidence for yourself.
Thanks for reading, even if you disagree!
Our pets are all rescue pets, so we really know the importance of spay and neuter for sure! I have to say, though, that it was costly to have our pets neutered, more than I remember in the past. We even got a coupon, but even with it it was close to $100 for each. Sometimes people really just don’t have the money. I wish there were places that would do it for free, but nothing is free in this world. That being said, I do understand what you mean about it being cheaper than taking care of all those little babies and feeding them and then trying to find homes for them. I think it’s well worth it. There are so many animals in need of love as it is.
Thanks for stopping by! You’d be amazed at how easily you can get pets fixed for little or no money if some areas. There are low-cost spay and neuter clinics available all over in the US at least, and in regards to community cats, often animal control in areas will do them for free as well.
You are right, it is costly otherwise.