
As a lifelong animal lover and cat owner, Rochelle has over 30 years of experience with our feline companions. She is a cat behavior expert, a colony caretaker, community cat advocate, and is often found TNRing local colonies. She once trapped, neutered and vaccinated, and relocated over 40 cats with only one volunteer to help her. She works with horses during the day and is never without peppermints in her pocket. She is an avid reader, coffee addict, gamer, and a writer (as Selenity Jade).

The Best Bait for Feral Cats Graphic

The Best Bait for Feral Cats (Humane Only!)

There is always some discussion on what bait to use to catch the most cats during Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR).  Even if you’ve been at trapping awhile, it’s always nice to hear what other people think is the best bait for feral cats! I know I personally love hearing the innovative ways people have encouraged the most cautious cats to enter traps.  …

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Lysine and Cats Graphic

Lysine and Cats: Why It is Not Recommended

I get asked a lot about lysine supplements for upper respiratory infections in cats.  Lysine and cats seem to come up quite often when discussing a sick cat, in a community cat colony or a home! Many cat caretakers, shelters, sanctuaries, and vets have recommended lysine supplementation in cats who have Feline Herpes Virus (FHV), a type of feline upper …

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What is a Upper Respiratory Infection in Cats?

What is an Upper Respiratory Infection in Cats?

Kitty colds, URIs, calicivirus, and more. Those are often the names given to feline upper respiratory infections. So what is an upper respiratory infection in cats? Upper respiratory infections in cats are an infection of a cat’s sinus area, mouth or throat. These are basically ‘cat colds’ as their symptoms are similar to the everyday human cold. And just like …

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The Best Feral Cat Trap

The Best Feral Cat Trap + Other Options!

When someone first starts out with the Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) of community cats, people often wonder what is the best feral cat trap to use. Can you buy one? Or is there somewhere to borrow or rent a trap from? I have a favorite type of feral cat trap as I am sure many other feral cat caretakers do. Longtime cat …

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How to Relocate a Feral Cat

How to Relocate a Feral Cat

Most of the time, the relocation of feral cats is considered a no-no. Friendly cats and kittens can be safely removed, fostered, and adopted into homes. But the feral and semi-feral cats, you want to return them to their original home if at all possible after Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR). In some cases though, especially if there is conflict with the property …

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Nutter and Chips Cuddling

Foster Kitten Nutter: RIP Little Guy

I wasn’t going to post today, to be honest. I lost a foster kitten this morning and I’m devastated. I decided, however, then what better way to express my grief than to share with you his story and memorialize him here on The Beginning Nutter and his sister, Chips, were born to an outside cat with one other older …

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Barn Cat Network Graphic

Barn Cat Network

The Barn Cat Network is a network of people just like you who can take in feral and semi-feral cats that are forced to relocate from their outdoor homes. Every single week I get messages or emails from rescues or shelters or just a concerned citizen who needs to find a barn home (or similar) for a feral or unadoptable …

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Oreo at the Vet

Personal Announcement and Plea for Help: December 2019

Hi, cat ladies (and daddies)! I know I’ve been MIA but I have a very, very good excuse for my lack of communication. Simply put, I’ve been swamped with foster kittens and some cat issues. If you want daily updates and pictures, you can follow me on social media. Follow links are to your right. One of those issues is …

Personal Announcement and Plea for Help: December 2019 Read More »

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