Home » Barn Cat Lady » Personal Announcement and Plea for Help: December 2019

Personal Announcement and Plea for Help: December 2019

Hi, cat ladies (and daddies)!

I know I’ve been MIA but I have a very, very good excuse for my lack of communication.

Simply put, I’ve been swamped with foster kittens and some cat issues. If you want daily updates and pictures, you can follow me on social media. Follow links are to your right.

One of those issues is a special needs kitten that may need surgeries (yes, TWO). I will explain and plead for your help in a second.

The Barn Cat Lady Website and My Readers Are Important!

My website and my readers are definitely a huge priority in my life. HUGE. I love sharing the knowledge I’ve gained throughout my life regarding cats as well as the knowledge I continue to gain regarding community cats.

I love sharing my barn cat stories and videos. I love helping people with cat issues. I love sharing my wisdom. I love writing.

But mostly, I just LOVE cats, which brings me to the bad news for my readers.

Cats are More Important, I’m Sorry!

I try my utmost to keep to a weekly posting schedule on Fridays, but sometimes, like now, I’m straight up overwhelmed caring and rescuing cats.

They will always come first, I’m sorry! I’m sure all of you get it, or you wouldn’t be checking out how to care for the unowned cats in your neighborhood or your barns.

I love you all so much, but sometimes BCL and such takes a back seat to cat and kitten care. I truly apologize for my three-week absence. I am so, so sorry.

But I will update you all on it as I may need some help. I really need help.

Foster Kitten Oreo’s Plea for Help!Orea at the Vet

About four weeks ago, I received a call from a friend who found a neonatal kitten in some hay at a feed store in town. She, of course, immediately thought about asking me if I could care for her.

I couldn’t say no, obviously.

I got her on a Friday evening and it was immediately apparent that something was very wrong with her. She was wobbly and uncoordinated, more so than a kitten should be. She looked like a tiny bobble-headed kitten when she sat still. Her eyes were severely infected and sealed shut on top of that. And she was too small and too shiny for her age.

She was probably about 3 weeks old.

I got her eye infection cleared up, I put some weight on her, dewormed her, and I watched her grow and bloom into a feisty little girl who I started calling Oreo.

I took her to my vet. She definitely has a neurological issue. And a heart murmur. Plus dry eyes. I was given a course of antibiotics for her (in case her neurological issue was a bacterial infection) and lubricant for her eyes.

Two weeks later, another vet visit. Two days ago, I was given some not so great news about Oreo. She’s going to go blind due to cataracts in her eyes. She likely has cerebellar hypoplasia which is why she’s wobbly. Her eyes require a cornea to be moved slightly AND it appears she is missing part of her eyelids, which means another surgery.

I was given EnerCal for a nutrient supplement as she’s been having a poor appetite with vomiting and GRAY poop. Gray! My vet has no idea why her poo would be normal except for being the color of kitty litter.

She’s also vomiting and pooping gray!

I immediately ordered Fortiflora probiotics as the only thing I can find online about gray kitten poop is that is either a lack of probiotics or a lack of bile. So I’m adding a probiotic.

That said, all of this crazy stuff comes out of my own pocket. In order to possibly have the surgeries Oreo may need, I have to ask for help from my readers and followers.

Two Young Kittens Cuddling

Wait, two MORE kittens?!

After Oreo’s vet visit, I got a call about SEVEN more kittens that desperately need help. No one was taking them in, the shelters are full, the rescues overwhelmed and one mama cat for TWO litters of kittens and she did not have enough milk.

I agreed to take in the two youngest kittens to give Mama some help as I know how to bottle feed.

I got lucky. The kittens were old enough to lap milk out of a shallow bowl and immediately started chewing on food. 3 weeks old they were and already miles ahead of my special needs kitten Oreo!

Thus, I haven’t had a chance to update my website, I’m so sorry!

I Need Help, Cat Lovers!

I really need help with Oreo’s medical issues. I need donations, please. Anything at all helps Oreo with her medical needs!

I have a PayPal account and you can either donate using the button in the sidebar of my website or go to PayPal.me/barncatlady and donate there.

You can donate directly to Oreo’s vet, if you wish, too! Please email me at rochelle@barncatlady.com for vet information and I’ll happily give it to you.

If anyone has a different way they wish to help, email me, comment below, or contact me through my website or privately on social media!

Thanks so much for your help, guys. You’ve been awesome!

If you want videos, check out YouTube!


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